Academic Advisement
The Computer Science program at CSUF offers advisement counseling to all students. It gives you the opportunity to review your progress toward your degree and to discuss electives consistent with your career goals.
Setting up an advisement appointment is something that you must initiate yourself.
If you need advising, the following advisers will hold their advising sessions using Zoom. If you completed less than 60 units (Freshman or Sophomore) , please see an advisor in the ECS Student Success Center. Otherwise, make an appointment with one of the advisors listed below.
Computer Science Course Plan
Undergraduate Core Courses
BS CS 2024-2025 Prerequisite Relation
For undergraduate advising
Junior & Senior Computer Science Advising:
Professor Floyd Holliday ( is conducting Express Advising sessions via Zoom (Zoom meeting ID: 8416423131) beginning at 7:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. No appointment is necessary. Students will be advised in the order of arrival (first arrived, first served). Make sure to get in the queue early.
Dr. Anand Panangadan (
- Appointment scheduling and reporting is with TitanNet Student/Navigate Student app.
- Instructions for Accessing TitanNet & Scheduling an Appointment
For course articulation and reallocation, contact Dr. Wenlin Han (
Appointment scheduling and reporting is with TitanNet Student/Navigate Student app
Instructions for Accessing TitanNet & Scheduling an Appointment
For course planning, please make sure you create a degree planner on TDA and review it with your advisor.
For graduate advising for M.S. degree program
Dr. Mikhail Gofman (
Click here to make an advising appointment.
For undergraduate/graduate advising or any other issues or concerns
Dr. Doina Bein (
Click here to make an advising appointment.
During your advisement, your advisor will write all important decisions and advice on an Advising Session Notes form. You will receive a copy of this form, and the original will go into your file. Make sure that this record covers all-important information that was discussed.
If you have any questions about General Education classes, please contact the ECS Student Success Center, or the people at the campus Academic Advising center, UH-179.
Express Advisement
Express Advising will resume in the Fall and Spring semesters.
Required Advisement
It is strongly recommended that you seek advisement at least once a year. There are also times when advisement is required.
If you need advising, please make an advising appointment here.
First-Time Freshmen
Your first step is to receive academic advice through either a Department Orientation meeting (see ECS Student Success Center) or by making an appointment to see an advisor. It is very important that you understand the program and the sequence in which to take courses.
You must be advised twice during your first year at CSUF. It is up to you to take the initiative to arrange these advisement sessions.
Undergraduate Transfers
The first thing you should do is to make an advisement appointment in order to evaluate transfer credit that may apply to your major. If you have any questions about transferred general education courses, your advisor can help you there too. Please bring any transcripts or grade reports, official or otherwise, with you to this appointment. A catalog from your old institution(s) may also prove useful, particularly from any institution outside of the Fullerton area. You will probably find that attending a group orientation (see Open Advisement, above) is helpful too.
Continuing Students
Please see an advisor at least every 12 months to make sure that you're on the right track. In fact, if you fail to visit an advisor at least once a year, the Computer Science Department will place a hold on your registration. You will not be allowed to register for a third semester until an advisor is consulted. Don't forget!
Nearing Graduation (one year)
At least a year prior to your expected graduation, you must file a Graduation Requirements Check. This "Grad Check" is required for graduation. For information about grad checks, search the current CSUF Catalog. (Look up graduation check in the index.)
When you receive your grad check back in the mail, bring in both copies and the Undergraduate Coordinator will complete a section of this grad check specifying which courses you still need to take in order to complete your major.
If you are on probation, it is definitely time to see an advisor. Until you do so, a hold will be in placed on your file preventing you from registering. Your advisor will discuss with you the problems which led to your probation, and review strategies you should take to get off probation. Be sure to make your advisement appointment well ahead of time so that your telephone registration is not held up.
General Advice
Be sure to follow the course requirements for your catalog year. Your catalog year is determined by the Admissions Office and is a part of your student records. Typically, this is the year you began college, though occasionally an advisor may approve a later year. If your catalog year precedes 1995/96, you should obtain the appropriate handbook supplement from the Computer Science Department.
Before most semesters you will receive a copy of the department newsletter, "CPSC NEWS." Read it! It is full of important information about the department. Frequently, this will include information about academic advising.